Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stepping through the Doorway to the Divine

We are the New Agers, the Spiritual Seekers, the ones who hold lofty goals of becoming One with the Divine, of creating world peace through mass visualizations, of rising to the highest consciousness imaginable... in this lifetime! We want to offer unconditional Love to all. We desire utopia. We want to be able to give and receive instant healings. We try to communicate with our spirit guides and the angelic realms, andwe want to become free of the egos that sabotage our dreams.We walk around in this duality with open hearts, big hearts, wondering why this world holds so much darkness when all we truly wish for is The Light.

We look up, focusing on God when life circumstances pull us down. We try to help others, to do good, to be good, to set good examples. We want our energy to effect positive change for the planet and the universe. We work at surrendering to Creator of All that Is, and surrendering to allow the Universe to respond to our good intentions.We continuously search for the highest, for communion with the Divine, for our own higher selves. We feel sad when we err, we rejoice when good wins out over evil. And the cycle continues... lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. We understand that there must be a way out - that there must be a doorway to Spiritual/Ultimate Freedom. But even the definition of what this means eludes us.
We read scores of spiritual books, looking for the one teacher or enlightened being who can give us enlightenment and true awakening. And the years pass.

Does this sound like you? It certainly describes over thirty years of my life. We call it our "spiritual path" and it seems to have no end; we never quite find the answers and the search continues.I recently received an invitation to receive a profound blessing from a Gujarati saint from India who has become a living Gnani Purush - one who can separate our egos from our Pure Souls. "That sounds like something I'd like to try," I thought, so I ran to see him. I expected another knows-all teacher, someone in a high state of consciousness who would be interesting to learn from. But I was to be given a most precious gift that would change my life forever.

The Gnani Purush gave me separation from my ego... I was given the awakening to my true self, the clearest vision of who I really am. I was given Self-realization in the form of deeply knowing that I am pure soul who has this package it lives in called me. I've had the intellectual concept of this for years, but the profound and beautiful separation given to me by the Gnani Purush has enveloped me in the true experience of the Divine, of Oneness. I am living in the separation - between myself as pure soul - and the body person of ego/intellect who has my name and carries so much karma. And as I apply the knowledge I am receiving from the words of the Gnani Purush that are translated to English, I become more steadfast and strong in my experience of living as a pure soul. I see all living beings as pure souls. This is not a concept - it is real.

I now enjoy (rather than dream of or imagine) such a sweet bliss because I watch the wordly experience of my body person as separate from my true self. There is a detachment occurring within that gives me such freedom and peace that I feel gratitude in every waking moment. The separation is the most important thing that has ever happened to me. I have stepped through the Doorway to the Divine.

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